How It Works

Tell Us Who You Need

Your dedicated account manager will discuss with you, in detail, all the requirements for the job vacancy.  Your job will then be posted on as well as other partner network sites.

Candidate Screening

Based on the job information provided, we will vet every candidate Resume/CV received and using our Applicant Tracking System (ATS) send these chosen candidates to your inbox

Interview & Hire

With the proper resumes/CVs in your inbox, you will be free to set-up interviews to hire the best possible candidate

Our Network

How You Benefit

One Price, Multiple Vacancies

Have multiple vacancies to fill for one type of job?  Our service will allow you to pay one fixed fee to fill as many vacanies you have for that job.

Time is Money

You have more important things to take care of throughout your day!  Let our team of hiring experts be an extension of your team. (only without vacation time)  We will deliver the results you are looking for in the time you need them in.

Instant Results

You’ll have full access to our advanced Applicant Tracking System (ATS) and be able to view, in real time, all qualified candidates –  ready to be interviewed.

Our Plans

Basic Plan

2 Week Campaign
  • Dedicated Account Manager
  • Job posted on Aviation Job Search
  • Job posted to our network of partner websites
  • Resume/CV Review and Vetting
  • ATS Dashboard Access

Advanced Plan

3 Week Campaign
  • Dedicated Account Manager
  • Job posted on Aviation Job Search
  • Job poster to our network of partner websites
  • Resume/CV Database Outreach
  • Resume/CV Review and Vetting
  • ATS Dashboard Access

Our Clients

Contact Us

Please fill out the form with your name, email address, phone number and job vacancy details.  One of our hiring experts will be in contact with you shortly and provide further information on our fixed fee managed recruitment service.  Thank you!